PATHOGENS: Soiled Cogs Forever Grinding Full-Length From Apocalyptic Death Industrial Project Out Now And Streaming Via Scry Recordings

An uncomfortably accurate reflection of a dying world, PATHOGENS exists solely to serve as an unflinching reminder of the negative influences of the human species inhabiting this planet.

Soiled Cogs Forever Grinding, the latest offering from apocalyptic death industrial project PATHOGENS, is out NOW and streaming via Scry Recordings and Black Horizons.

PATHOGENS is A. D. Carter using manipulated samples, distorted synth, found objects and contact mic recordings, electronic drums and percussion, electric guitar, voice, and throat. An uncomfortably accurate reflection of a dying world, PATHOGENS exists solely to serve as an unflinching reminder of the negative influences of the human species inhabiting this planet. Taking early Swans influences to an even more bleak and excruciating extreme, A. D. Carter blends synth distortion, primal mechanical rhythms, profoundly disturbing samples, and nightmarish agonized vocalizations to create death industrial doom akin to its influences, yet unique and singular.

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