EYE OF NIX formed in 2012 to create genre-bending, psychedelic and harrowing sounds, unhindered by formulaic songwriting. Their second full-length studio album BLACK SOMNIA is out now on vinyl and for digital download.
EYE OF NIX first began to create abrasive yet kaleidoscopic sounds together in 2012. Current members vocalist Joy Von Spain, guitarist Nicholas Martinez, noise artist Masaaki Masao, bassist Zach Wise (Hissing), and drummer Luke Laplante strive to conjure music that’s threatening, beautiful, and harsh. EYE OF NIX toured the west coast with noise veterans Blue Sabbath Black Cheer in 2013, then chose an expanded route including the Rockies and southwest in 2015. Since their inception, EYE OF NIX has shared the stage with diverse notable acts such as Voivod, Jarboe, Alcest, SubRosa, King Dude, Worm Ouroboros, Eight Bells, 16, and more.
Moros, their first LP, was released in 2015 via Eugene-based imprint Belief Mower (Muscle And Marrow, Hungers). The album was captured by the hands of accomplished Seattle-based engineer Brandon Fitzsimons (Bell Witch, Anhedonist) at Airport Grocery in Seattle and mastered by Justin Weis at Trakworx in San Francisco. The record was reissued digitally with two bonus studio tracks: “Blood In The Fire,” and “Rome Burned.” Both Moros and Black Somnia were recorded with Justin Straw on drums and Gerald Hansen on bass, although these founding members left the band in 2017.
Joy Von Spain collaborated with filmmaker Michael Ray Sheets and Butoh performer Vanessa Skantze to create a video for Elysium Elusive, premiering on Noisey in April of 2015.
Some words on Moros:
“With crust and sludge-influenced riffs meeting black metal’s tremolo picking at the noisiest crossroads, the band sets a tumultuous backdrop for vocalist Joy Von Spain’s otherworldly, operatic banshee wails. Her Siouxsie Sioux-gone-black metal vocals will give you chills, and add to the chaos instead of softening the band’s sound.” – Noisey
“Moros is all over the place sonically — not a moment is wasted and there’s no room for an iota of boredom… [Joy] Von Spain’s operatic vocal tendencies make it epic, the psychedelia embedded in it makes it hypnotic, and the blackness and sludge creates a harsh abrasiveness.” – Invisible Oranges
“If your tastes… touch on a wide expanse of sonic darkness, then this album dabbles in all of those with equal mastery – be it black metal, post-punk, sludge, slow-core or noise rock.” – Cvlt Nation
“EYE OF NIX are in a league all of their own and have crafted one of the most interesting releases of 2015. Moros is a strange, dark and destructive record that defies categorization. The maddening, churning, claustrophobic doom and gloom EYE OF NIX create on this record will satisfy those looking for a new sonic twist. The metal outsider will be so enthralled by these blackened compositions, he or she won’t even feel it when Moros drags them to Hades.” – American Aftermath
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Background image: Seer Productions