Despite the devastation wreaking havoc upon the lives of so many this year, our collective continues to create in the face of destruction, whether for spite or for healing. If you missed any of these albums they are all available to listen to and purchase on Bandcamp. We are also having a merch sale on our site – use code FK2020 for 1/3 OFF any items listed HERE through 12/31. With many new albums in the works for 2021, everyone trepidatiously looks forward to a time when we can play live again in some form. Thank you all for your support this year. It means the world to us!
In March of 2020 Sataray’s haunting “Saturn” single worked its serpentine way into our ears, and Pathogens released their first tape with us, “Soiled Cogs Forever Grinding,” in a co-release with the ever-notable SF Black Horizons label. Sadly, the pandemic negated US, Canada & EU tour and festival dates for several Scry artists. Nevertheless, Spring also saw release of the magnum opus “Writhing Treasure Feast“. This 2-CD set of music & 72-pg book featuring writing by Vanessa Skantze & photography by Anima Nocturna was created for a 90-minute live Butoh dance performance by Skantze – featuring Noisepoetnobody, members of To End It All, Pink Void, & more. Next came the “Sustainment” EP by Joy Von Spain in May.
At the height of a turbulent summer, we saw the unleashing of the first vinyl release by Geist & The Sacred Ensemble, “Waning Hymns“, featuring artwork by Anima Nocturna and accompanied by two videos by James Hollenbaugh. Autumn brought the single “Strength Is Nothing” by To End It All ft. Zvi, and our first release for Portland’s SCARD, a searing full-length album on tape titled “Rusted Lock”. In addition, Noisepoetnobody brought the second in a series of drone albums, “Drone Relief” – much needed respite during the chaos.